People loved the new and improved Love, Career & Magic!

Wonmin Lee — Pegasus Games
2 min readJun 29, 2023


I went to Origins Game Fair this past weekend and brought along two prototype copies of the latest version of Love, Career & Magic. Over 50 different people played by game in the four days of the convention to overwhelmingly positive feedback.

The game is much faster paced, dead simple to pick up and play, and is absolutely hilarious (even as just a bystander). If you haven’t already, please click here to follow the new Kickstarter campaign so you can be notified when I relaunch.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the event.

Love, Career & Magic is a collaborate story-telling game where you play as a mythological creature in a reality TV show. It’s a mix between Dungeons & Dragons and a traditional party card game. If that sounds fun to you, please go check out my website here or click here to follow the Kickstarter!

A character from the game.

