I visited LATTEST, the cafe that Mizuki (Terrace House Boys & Girls in the City) works at
So this is a two-part story since I technically visited the cafe twice—once in July 2019 and once more in February of 2020 (right before the lockdown!)
Scroll down to see all the pictures and read the story filled with sweat, nerves, and a LOT of walking. All so I could give someone a card game…
Part one — July 2019
So this was right smack in the middle of the blistering heat that is Japanese summer. I was out with my then-girlfriend at the time and our plan for the day was like this—
- Check out Kaori’s art exihibition and hopefully meet her
- Walk over to LATTEST since it’s so close and hopefully meet Mizuki
- That was it
What a packed day, right? 😅
And let me tell ya, she gets approached A LOT.
I was probably in the store for like less than an hour but at least 5 or so different people came up to her for a photo. I get that her cafe is really easy to find and all, but I wasn’t expecting that many fans! It might also have been because Kaori’s art exhibition was going on around that time in a neighborhood not far from the cafe.
Omotesando is very close to Harajuku cat street, which was where Kaori’s art exhibition was held. The cafe wasn’t overcrowded, but it wasn’t empty either.
So the plan was to just say hi and to introduce myself in Japanese to her. My then-girlfriend would be by my side to help me and smooth things over in case anything went wrong.
So after ordering our drinks and sitting for a bit, we both went up to the counter when she was free to chat a bit.
So here’s a little Japanese lesson for those who care (if you don’t know Japanese, skip ahead)
I started our conversation with:
Then my girlfriend at the time chimes in with the “he’s so good at Japanese, right?” To which Mizuki replies, 「そうですよね、すごいです。」
Where did I make a mistake? How did she detect that I wasn’t Japanese already?
So apparently it was the なん in 恥ずかしいなんですけど。Which looking back, I totally knew it was wrong but it just slipped out of my mouth from the sheer adrenaline of meeting a Terrace House member.
God damn it.
I just wanted to chat and not look like a random gaijin fan. Oh well.
Part two — February 2020
So after I left Japan in 2019, I went to work on making a Terrace House inspired card game called SHAREHOME.
And by February of 2020, I had a working prototype and a ticket back to Tokyo. This time around, I was going to be ready.
I was going to give Mizuki a copy of my game.
This time around though, I was alone. No native Japanese speaker to fall back on. And I was really hoping to be able to give her a copy of my game.
I probably came to the cafe around 12 or 1pm. I walked in, ordered a simple drink, and sat down to play around on my phone.
😂 For 😂 three 😂 whole 😂 hours 😂
I don’t know if any of you have ever met celebrities (even if super niche), but MAN is it such a nerve-wracking experience for some reason.
Here is the Facebook convo I had with my friend at the time.
So alls well that ends well! I suppose 😂
Not pictured is the walk I did BACK to Target Shibuya to meet Dyki again (another 1.3 km or 0.8 mi)